Mar 9, 2010

Late Night Light Paint

I'm a bit of an insomniac... So sometimes I get very bored in the middle of the night and get ideas to take pictures. What kind of pictures can you take in your bedroom in the middle of the night you may ask. Well not much with the lights on, but turn the light off and break out a $3 led flashlight+laser, a rolled up magazine for a snoot, and a mini Bic lighter and oh the possibilities.

This one was my favorite. For the main light (blueish white) I used the 5 led flashlight through a rolled up magazine to isolate the light (didn't want to light up the whole room). I made sure to only use it from one angle to cast some shadow behind the guitar. The red is from the laser in the flashlight. I held it underneath a liter bottle of water filled about 1/3 up and waved it around. The water diffused it to give it that murky look instead of being just a solid laser line. Lastly I just used a bic lighter to add some real flames.

For this one I used the flashlight through the water bottle as well as the laser through the bottle. I also warmed up the white balance in Lightroom.

Just the laser through the bottle.

Same as the first guitar picture, but with the laser straight on (not through the bottle). I desaturated everything but the red channel in Lightroom.

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